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2024-04-22 38 网站首席编辑



My home in Yunnan,the United States and picturesque landscape of Yunnan.我的家乡在云南,云南山水美如画Xiongqi spectacular deep canyon,Pentium river flow,waves Green Wave dense forest,bright red hills of Yamahana burning.幽深的峡谷雄奇壮丽,奔腾的江河川流不息,茂密的森林绿波荡漾,艳丽的山花燃红山岗.The legend of the beautiful ancient sounds,day and night,singing songs of Haofang,a large number of national unity,friendship,and happiness to their homes happy auspicious.古老的传说优美动听,豪放的山歌日夜欢唱,众多的民族团结友爱,幸福的家园美满吉祥.Lijiang,Yunnan,Xishuangbanna is beautiful云南的丽江,西双版纳很漂亮Welcome to Yunnan,the most beautiful place欢迎来到云南,最美丽的地方 My hometown is a remote south yunnan province town - GongHeXian,it is famous hometown.My hometown is the beauty of mountAIns,where water show live yi,haney,yao,dai minority.My hometown is well-known for tropical fruit has a banana,litchi,mango,watermelon...


My hometown Rizhao ,lies in the southeast of Shandong province,is a beautiful coastal city,blue sky,green sea and golden sand are it's name card.

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